Please Pray for Cameron

Over eight years ago Duff and I moved into our second house in a little neighborhood in Apex. We had two children at the time. Madeline was two and Gavin was one month old. The family that moved in across the street from us, also had two little ones. Their oldest was Connor and their baby Cameron was about a month older than Gavin. It wasn’t long before Connor’s contagious southern accent began rubbing off on Maddie as they played together and she began turning one syllable words into two. I specifically remember the conversation between these two youngsters one particular day. Maddie pointed off into the woods and began to pretend there were “wolfies” lurking in the distance. Connor was obviously not open to this particular scenario and he replied, “Now is not the time for wolfies.” I can also recall the months that followed when LeAnn and I would meet out on the sidewalk to discuss our needy infants and our struggle to fit a shower in much less anything else. It wasn’t long before Cameron and Gavin began toddling up and down the driveways together as we stood nearby catching some adult conversation.

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School Days…..

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A Scandalous Story of Love: The Beginning

Well I’ve been inspired a lot lately. Inspired by the calm we’ve been given in Gabby’s storm. Inspired by friends walking by faith. Inspired by a book called Crazy Love and another called One Month to Live. Inspired to be more transparent, passionate, and real. Inspired to leave a legacy. Inspired to live without regret.

Today my “Maine Man” (This is how Duff likes to refer to himself) turns 37 and I have recorded the beginning of our story as a gift to him. I am not writing this story because it’s perfect. Nor to demonstrate the ins and outs of meeting a suitable mate. I’m not arguing that we always made smart decisions that I want our children to emulate. I’m writing this story because after being together for 17 years I am still completely in love with this man. A man that God perfectly chose to complete me. I want our children to see how God worked through us in spite of ourselves. I want them to be familiar with the intricate details of how He crafted our story. How He called us, molded us, and shaped us into His image even before we called Him Father.

So, without further adieu, here is the first chapter of our story.

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