Happy 9th Birthday

Happy 9th Birthday!


I guess there are just some birthdays that seem bigger than others.

They stand out for whatever reason.  They strike a mama’s heart in a different way, with more severity.

The age they’re turning, it screams “older” more loudly than the other years.

That was this year for me.

It was deafening.

It was crazy!

How could my sweet girl be turning 9?!

This. Can’t. Be.

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6 Years Seizure-Free

Cookie Cake!


This was the first year it happened.

The first year September 14th slipped by unnoticed.

I vowed this would never take place.

I promised we would always remember what the Lord did on that day.

In my defense, it was a Monday.

And I did have an uneasy, nagging feeling that day when I glanced at the date on my iPhone.

I even wondered out loud if I was forgetting the birthday of a special someone.

Then it dawned on me two days later…

Seizure freedom. [Read more...]