How To Teach Your Baby To Read

Let me begin by mentioning how thankful and blessed I feel to be broaching this topic here on Gabby’s blog. If you know Gabrielle’s story, then you know how we painfully surrendered the expectation of a normal future for our little girl many times over.

I surrendered the expectation that my child would crawl, and walk, and talk. I surrendered the expectation that my child would feed herself, be potty trained, and climb in and out of bed.

I remember telling a few dear friends of mine (as I detailed the heartbreak, the miracles, the struggles, and the triumphs on this blog) how it had really become a dream of mine that Gabrielle would one day be able to *read* this blog and understand the amazing ways God had worked in her life.

As I shared this hope, I recall my eyes brimming with tears. The tears threatened to spill forth because I knew it would represent another miracle.

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Happy 5th Birthday

* Gabby turned 5 on October 13, 2011, but I’m just now getting around to updating. ;)

Gabby was super excited to turn 5 this year. When asked what she wanted for her birthday…she responded,”I want presents, birthday cake, and ice cream!”

One week before her party she spotted a large brown shipping box in my closet.

She inquired,”What’s in that box, Mommy?”

I shared that the box contained presents, and her eyes grew large as saucers and a huge smile spread across her face.

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