God Provides

Well, God has certainly worked things out. We now have a free apartment to stay in for the next month that is just minutes from the hospital. Who would have anticipated that the Foscue family at our church in NC would connect us with their cousin who owns a place in Manhattan that he is not currently using? Not only is this cousin, who has never met us, willing to let us stay there but he has offered his place to us free of charge. Amazing! We went to NJ yesterday to pick up the key from his parents and they were the kindest, friendliest people. We checked out the apartment and it is more than we could ever need in a very convenient location. God has once again provided through some very generous people.

We want to thank all of you who have contacted friends or family in search of accommodations for us. We received emails and calls from so many of you and we appreciate all of the time and energy you put forth trying to help us. We want to thank those of you who have tried to lighten our burden in some other way too. Whether it was offering to cut our lawn, watch our children, or by handing us a check. It is difficult to accept help from people because somewhere in the back of your brain there is almost an admission of failure, “I couldn’t do it myself”. At the same time, you are completely overwhelmed by the other person’s act of unselfish caring. You find you are unable to fully express how this act of caring has impacted your life and this is where I’m at. Words really can’t describe how each of you have touched us and “thank you” just doesn’t seem enough.

We completed pre-surgical testing yesterday and everything went smoothly. We are waiting to hear about Gabrielle’s OR time slot for Wednesday, June 25th. I’m beginning to get a little anxious about this surgery. Last time it seemed like such a “no brainer” when we chose surgery. This time Gabrielle is not quite as sick and the surgery more aggressive so I find that uncertainty creeps into my mind at times. I always seem to be reminded in a timely way though that Gabby really does need something done and that God is orchestrating all of this. Then the uncertainty is gone until the next time I lose my focus and need to be reminded.

Please pray that this surgery will be a success. Pray that the doctors will be able to isolate a localized area responsible for the seizure activity. Pray infection and fluid balance will not be an issue. Pray that Gabrielle will not be left with any lingering deficits. Pray that we will be provided all of the strength necessary to survive the weeks ahead and that this journey will bring Him all the glory.

I’ll update again before surgery.


  1. Dear Kelly, you and your family are always in our prayers, and will continue to be, Yes God is Good! and he does work in ways we dont understand. I am so happy you and your family have found a home to stay in for your stay. Awsome!! Look forward to hearing how she is doing. Sending hugs! The Phipps Family

  2. Cindy & Mark Francis says:

    God is in the details! What wonderful news.
    We will be praying and waiting to read your updates.
    In His Love,

  3. Scott Pollard says:

    That is wonderful. You’re in our prayers. God works it out when we trust in Him.
    Pollard Family

  4. The Ditto family says:

    Dear Omeila family,
    God is awesome and so is your faith. We love you and are continuing to lift you up in prayer.

    The Ditto family

  5. Paige & David says:

    Kelly and Duff-
    Just wanted to let you know that we are thinking and praying for you both and Gabrielle. We can’t begin to understand how difficult these days are for you. Glad to hear you found a place to stay- that is so amazing. You are missed and we can’t wait to have you all back in NC with us! Sending a hug!

  6. Hey Kelly!

    I am so thankful that lodging has been provided to your family in your time of need. I am sure that has lightened your worry load.

    My heart and soul are with you as you and your family travel these new forks in the road of Gabby’s life. Just reading your journey brings memories of Alexander’s battles before and after his surgeries flooding back. I pray that the journey is a smooth one for you and your family and that there is a golden future for Gabrielle at the end of the rainbow.

    Again, if there is anything that I or my family can do for you, please do not hesitate to ask. I am looking forward to the day we can finally meet and discuss the successes of our children after their rocky starts. “Do not give up. The beginning is always the hardest…”

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